Delaware , Unclaimed property

My parents received a letter from the State Of Delaware, unclaimed property, stating that they have some property of mine (stock).

I think I can guess which stock these are, and I am quite certain the entire claiming process will amount to nothing. Now need to figure out if I have the power to claim it.

-> Which may forces me to contact an accountant of a previous company which does not really exist.


Delaware Unclaimed Property

Japanese Men allowance

News site love reporting this.


On Yahoo Japan, but source is Bloomberg

To people outside Japan, it may sound strange. An interesting news bite, but it is actually a very good economic indicator.

Less allowance means less spending on Lunch, dinner, drinking with friends. It means more frugal lunches which is a challenge recently due to price hikes.

When and how will we see the effect on Japanese economy.

Fibre Channel Data Rate

Amazing how marketing can ignore the reality and math.


Fibre Channel Data rate is completely different than the name of each generation.

In the past, 4G FC was 4Gbps, 8G FC was also about 8Gbps.

So how come 16G FC data rate is actually 14.025, 32 FC is surprising 28.05

Refer to the image below which shows future FC technology which continues to ignore math and common sense.

Why not just call it 28G FC , or in the future 56 FC ?


Fibre Channel Data rate

Banana Yoshimoto’s “Kitchen”

Banana Yoshimoto’s “Kitchen” is probably the first Japanese book I read (in Hebrew).

Could not remember it very well, so decided to read it again, this time in Japanese.
While reading, I realise that I can’t remember it at all. Why is that ?

Like her writing style , but I am always surprised that there are still grammatical structures I struggle with.

->Then I opened my Kid’s Japanese text books and realised that I still have a lot to study.

There is very little information about Yoshimoto’s private life and I can imagine I can bump into here in a Cafe, not realising who it was.




Noam Sheffer

It is shocking to visit a dead Friend’s twitter page and see “I’m alive” in the profile.

Noam sheffer twitter I am alive


Amalie Emmy Noether

I love The Google Doodle. Especially when I study something new.


This time, it is about Amalie Emmy Noether , A mathematician which contributed to abstract Algebra theoretical physics.    Wikipedia mentions she was German and a Jew, but considering the fact she had to quit her university post due to the Nazi rules, I am not sure we can consider her German.

Inspiring story


On Religion, or is it hate/ignorance

Just received a comment on this blog, praising Hitler and stating that what ever he did was punishing the jews.

Is the writer Muslim?  I don’t know. I know he is using a comcast address in the Washington area.

Stating that 6 Million Jews were killed as punishment for a fictional story in one of the holy books makes me really sad.

(Rejected) Comment quote and screen capture below

He was dispensing the punishment that god had promised the jews for disrespecting him as seen in the quoran. Allah had promised to punish the jews for disreguarding his orders while moses went to get the 10 commandments



Hate comment