Talking about my company

As I was having lunch in Musashi-Kosugi, overheard a conversation between two men at the next table about my company, our reseller and competition. Could not hear the details, but could definitely hear my company’s name.

What to do? Pretend I do not hear? Say hello?

As I finished lunch and headed to pay, I went to their table, said (In Japanese):

“Heard my company’s name in your conversation. My name is Avi and here is my business card”.

Handed my business card and left.

Most viewed photo on Flickr

My most viewed photo on Flickr (by far) is a Hebrew Tattoo behind the ear of a Japanese girl.

Spent some time trying to analyze what brings people to this photo, but Flickr Statistics are limited and cannot dig for all search results and sources.

Just a reminder that the photo was taken several years ago in Iidabashi station. Noticed the Tattoo while I was waiting for my training and used my (then) broken Japanese to ask permission to take a photo.

I obviously received it.

Also asked her if she knows the meaning of the world and she happily nodded but did not talk further. Maybe she was afraid it was wrong.




Japanese Girl - Hebrew Tattoo

T2 Trainspotting

T2 Trainspotting was released in the UK, but I am still not sure when it is going to be released in Japan.

Expect it to take at least 5-6 months, so I’d better plan a business trip to Australia.


Analytics messages

My Google analytics presented the following results :

“Vitaly rules Google” and “Congratulations to Trump”.

It seems like Russian crawlers (SEO?) are becoming more creative.



Boarding the train far away from home in Iidabashi.

A tall fashionable woman watching me, once, twice. It is not out of the ordinary, she definitely does not look familiar, so I ignore.

Black coat, black dress, with a beautiful black Bree Bag.
She is changing trains in Nagatacho, me too. Still not out of the ordinary.

And as you could guess, turns out she lives around my station.
Yet, while she was watching me in Iidabashi, she did an extra effort to ignore me in my station.

At least I am quite sure I will remember her next time. Beautiful Black Bree Bag . Well, as long as she will be using it.


While I was listening to Sebu Hiroko’s LG/B on Spotify, I was presented with Rihanna’s “We Found love” and other songs which seems completely irrelevant to the music genre.


So, yes, I do not have a Premium Account.

And, I am guessing that Sebu Hiroko LG/B is not properly categorized or referenced.