Yebisu Beer Contents. Problems with a range

Noticed the following on a beer can, which surprised me.

How come there is a range for “Fibers”.
All the rest is fixed in value, with Proteins at 0.5g, sugars 3.4g. Is it because it is difficult to measure Fibers? Or maybe the variation is too high?

It seems 0-0.2g is a small range, but when you think about it, it is huge. It can be 0(!!!) or 0.2g.

I think I need to research more about beer filtering to understand this better .

Watching People

As I spend a lot of my time in transit, working at Cafes, I have the chance to watch many people. When I worked in Israel my daily routine was to drive to work, work, and go back home which did not give me a lot of “people watching” time.

Sometimes I feel happy watching people, sometimes sad and sometimes just surprised.

Last week I was working at a Cafe, when I noticed a woman spending a LOT of time cutting her Pie. By “A Lot”, I mean she was moving her knife back and forth not applying any pressure on the Pie, which basically means she did not cut anything.
Watched her for 3 minutes, in which she kept moving her knife, not making any progress.

Was she just absent minded, thinking about something else, or is it some kind of ritual for her. I will obviously never know.


What are the chances of me being in Yoyogi park during the weekend, bumping into a former work colleague traveling in Japan.

This goes beyond amazing!

Samsung T5 on Mac OS Catalina

Update: Samsung just released new drivers (1.6.6) which resolve the issue.

Samsung T5 driver does not work on latest MacOS. The amount of anger and frustration in this support thread is quite justifiable.
It is un accepted that a company which sells SSD does not bother updating their driver. Mac Beta program is very clear and allows enough time for vendor to modify and qualify their products, but it seems Samsung did not bother doing it.

As the thread mentions there are workarounds and it works for me, but I still think this is a very bad customer experience.

Platinum pen All blacks

A bit of humor and marketing flair

Platinum pen published this in their instagram .
Today is the semi final match between England and New Zealand All Blacks

Idan Reichel – Starbucks Japan playing list

What a surprise.

Was sitting at Starbucks in Tokyo, and was surprised to hear a song in Hebrew. Hebrew in Japan? How possible?

Shazam was very helpful to identify it was Idan Reichel.

What I still don’t know is why? Who selected Idan Reichel to Starbucks playing list?

Cybereason advertisement

Saw a Cybereason advertisement in Shinjuku, which made me wonder “Why?”.
Why advertise in Shinjuku on a wall that is barely seen by passersby ?

Did they just pay the agency and they spread it around town, or did Cybereason decide on this (bad) location?

Oedipus in Bunkamura

Went to see the play Oedipus in Shibuya Bunkamura, directed by Matthew Dunster.

The play obviously attracts a lot of attention due to the cast: Ichikawa Ebizo as Oedipus, Kuroki Hitomi as Jocasta and Moriyama Mirai as the Chorus Leader.

I loved the set and the modern adaptation. A Concrete Shelter, whoever enters needs to go through a contamination process. The guards are dressed in black modern combat gear.

Enjoyed it very much, especially the Chorus and Choreography of the Chorus. Not only talking and guiding the story, but dancing, narrating the story further. A wonderful work by the Director and the Choreographer. Led by Moriyama Mirai, the chorus seems to be assembled by actors and dancers. Some were better as dancing, but not as good in acting and some the opposite. Moriyama Mirai was obviously good at both.

First time for me to see Ichikawa Ebizo acting. As an actor, and not as a Kabuki actor, so was really disappointed in the first part, the hubris part, in which Oedipus is cocky and confident. Ebizo did a better job as the struggling, crying, aching with eyes gauged.
Kuroki Hitomi was good as well as the rest of the acting cast.

Not my day

Sometimes it happens, it is just not “my day”. Everything go wrong, or rather seem to go wrong without any apparent reason.

It happened last week, a rather boring weekend which ended with my flying to Singapore on a Red Eye.

As I was sitting in the lounge, working, drinking Soda, I tipped the Glass and broke it! Fragments flew everywhere, but nobody was injured, just a major embarrassment for me. Also embarrassing for me the fact that I used the wrong work to describe it. In the English and also Hebrew language we use “broken” to describe a broken glass, but in the Japanese language there is a difference between a broken glass, 割れた、to something else, 壊れた。 Hope at least I will remember to use it correctly next time.

After boarding, I tried to minimize space and placed my Rucksack on the suitcase, it felt a bit unstable, and indeed ended falling on my head. Laptop inside, heavy, it was quite painful.

That ended the day. Next day was much better