Been thinking about this for a while and finally reached a conclusion to start this project.
Goal: Reduce ownership . Own only things I really need and use
Method: Work in progress . I have my own ideas and also read ownless tips.
Two decisions I already made are:
1. Throw away things I do not use and do not expect to use
2. Clothing related. Do not increase the number of items I own. At least “One in, One Out”
Looking at my home working space I realized I have too many.
1. Camera bags – 2
2. Suitcases – 5. different sizes and usages, too many
3. Casual bags, some hand made – 5
4. Golf bag
5. Work related – 3
Ink bottles: 4 – I definitely do not use enough of these
Notebooks: 3 on my table
Cameras: 4
Could continue and write more about books I own, leather I bought for my hobby, but I will stop here.
I think it is clear that we live in a period which encourages ownership. That we buy to own, to show and sometimes just “to feel Good spending money”.
Will do my best to document the process as well as an equilibrium that I hope I can reach