Caffeine consumption

Trying to reduce my Coffee consumption.

Till recently I used to have 4 cups of coffee per day:
1) First one, in the morning before eating breakfast
2) Second, next to the office or customer meeting area. Working at a cafe and relaxing a bit after the train ride
3) After Lunch
4) Around 4PM, some Caffeine to keep me going

The cost of paying for 3 coffees per day + the beans I grind in the morning definitely exceed 1000 yen per day is quite high, and more important is the amount of Caffeine I consumed.

Although working from home, I realized that I kept the Caffeine drinking pattern even though I did not take a train, and did not need the “relax time”.
So I finally decided to reduce the amount from 4 to 2 per day. One in the morning and second in the afternoon (between 2PM to 4PM).

Planned to do it gradually, to reduce to 3, get used to it for a week and then reduce to 2, but realized that I could do it faster. So, within a week, I am already at 2 cups per day.

Will evaluate it for a while and will consider reducing it further. I do like the taste of coffee and enjoy drinking it, so assume that once we go back to working in the office, consumption may go up again.

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